EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Follow your Euro notes in their tracks since January 1st, 2002

:. Statistics

EBT has been online for 8 167 days, 21 hours and 24 minutes now.

218 433 users tracked 226 859 026 notes in this time, which resulted in 1 308 364 hits.

The past, the present and the future...

  One year ago Now Forecast (2025-05-12)
 Users 208 846 218 433 228 460
     per day¹ 26 26 26
     per day² 39 20 1
 Notes 218 241 351 226 859 026 235 816 986
     per day¹ 27 972 27 777 27 639
     per day² 25 022 24 690 24 358
     days between 1 million notes² 40 41 42
 Hits 1 261 714 1 308 364 1 356 738
     per day¹ 161 160 159
     per day² 146 127 108

¹ based on the numbers since launch
² based on the last 30 days

Total .:
Value.:4 165 319 645
Users.:218 433 
Notes.:226 859 026 
Interesting hits.:1 308 364 
Top Users (# of notes) .:
1. Flag for Austria Moise3 445 637
2. Flag for Germany ProChrist3 173 954
3. Flag for Germany save Julian Assange2 924 197
4. Flag for Netherlands Vermeer2 720 374
5. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.2 395 384
6. Flag for Germany taucher2 188 300
7. Flag for Germany BGO2 021 818
8. Flag for Germany Math Murderer1 933 391
9. Flag for Germany inDUS1 858 816
10. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter1 767 268
Top Users (# of notes, last 7 days) .:
1. Flag for Slovakia petox4 886
2. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter3 968
3. Flag for Germany save Julian Assange3 752
4. Flag for Austria pluheaVen3 500
5. Flag for Germany kiki13 413
6. Flag for Italy AngeloSalento3 407
7. Flag for Germany inDUS3 246
8. Flag for Italy araneus3 084
9. Flag for Austria klapotec2 810
10. Flag for Lithuania siriusLT2 780