EBTCheck - online notes check and statistics by marty44
Check your notes online (same checks as the offline tool) and create various statistics and tables with lots of additional information!
Dot hunter topic maintained by haemoglobin
A good starting point if you're crazy about traveling all over Europe just for the next dot in the middle of nowhere. ;-)
EBT.art -- accelerated registration tool by spasiba
EBT.art is a tool for registering notes on an Android phone, with the help of optical character recognition of both printer code and serial number, and easy search features for locations, postal codes and comments.
Links EBT does not maintain any of the linked sites and is in no way responsible for the content of these pages. The information on these sites may change over time and links may become dead.
Additionally, these lists do not claim to be anywhere near complete. We simply linked on-topic sites which we consider useful and interesting.
If a link has changed or you found a site which HAS to be on one of these lists then please send us an email.