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:. Follow your Euro notes in their tracks since January 1st, 2002

:. User Report (Flag for Belgium fc118176)

You are currently viewing the profile of fc118176.

EBT automatically generates a profile for every user of the site containing general information, e.g. the number of notes and hits.

Our users are also free to extend their profile with more personal information and to share additional statistics from their EBT account, e.g. the URL of their personal homepage or the maps showing where in Europe they already entered notes.
Total .:
Value.:4 219 755 105
Users.:220 984 
Notes.:229 942 089 
Interesting hits.:1 324 899 
Top Users (# of notes) .:
1. Flag for Austria Moise3 500 555
2. Flag for Germany ProChrist3 185 223
3. Flag for Germany stop religions wo...3 014 417
4. Flag for Netherlands Vermeer2 732 863
5. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.2 470 242
6. Flag for Germany taucher2 226 700
7. Flag for Germany BGO2 022 325
8. Flag for Germany Math Murderer1 961 116
9. Flag for Germany inDUS1 917 651
10. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter1 835 943
Top Users (# of notes, last 7 days) .:
1. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter4 102
2. Flag for Germany inDUS3 457
3. Flag for Germany stop religions wo...3 376
4. Flag for Italy araneus2 980
5. Flag for Italy AngeloSalento2 865
6. Flag for Austria Moise2 781
7. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.2 704
8. Flag for France Kleman2 499
9. Flag for Austria sinehera2 228
10. Flag for Germany roberdy2 126