EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Follow your Euro notes in their tracks since January 1st, 2002

:. Statistics

EBT has been online for 8 372 days, 22 hours and 37 minutes now.

221 913 users tracked 231 796 938 notes in this time, which resulted in 1 335 536 hits.

The past, the present and the future...

  One year ago Now Forecast (2025-12-03)
 Users 215 166 221 913 228 871
     per day¹ 26 26 26
     per day² 18 14 10
 Notes 222 960 957 231 796 938 240 983 090
     per day¹ 27 845 27 687 27 581
     per day² 24 629 25 961 27 293
     days between 1 million notes² 41 39 37
 Hits 1 287 499 1 335 536 1 385 365
     per day¹ 160 159 158
     per day² 140 158 176

¹ based on the numbers since launch
² based on the last 30 days