EBT logo EuroBillTracker

:. Follow your Euro notes in their tracks since January 1st, 2002

:. Statistics

EBT has been online for 8 279 days, 3 hours and 43 minutes now.

220 634 users tracked 229 506 897 notes in this time, which resulted in 1 322 425 hits.

The past, the present and the future...

  One year ago Now Forecast (2025-09-01)
 Users 212 501 220 634 229 078
     per day¹ 26 26 26
     per day² 32 13 0
 Notes 220 819 287 229 506 897 238 536 300
     per day¹ 27 902 27 721 27 595
     per day² 24 023 23 742 23 461
     days between 1 million notes² 42 43 44
 Hits 1 275 982 1 322 425 1 370 558
     per day¹ 161 159 158
     per day² 127 129 131

¹ based on the numbers since launch
² based on the last 30 days

Total .:
Value.:4 211 941 430
Users.:220 634 
Notes.:229 506 897 
Interesting hits.:1 322 425 
Top Users (# of notes) .:
1. Flag for Austria Moise3 491 580
2. Flag for Germany ProChrist3 183 210
3. Flag for Germany stop religions wo...3 003 624
4. Flag for Netherlands Vermeer2 730 878
5. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.2 459 273
6. Flag for Germany taucher2 220 700
7. Flag for Germany BGO2 022 276
8. Flag for Germany Math Murderer1 957 278
9. Flag for Germany inDUS1 909 522
10. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter1 822 744
Top Users (# of notes, last 7 days) .:
1. Flag for Germany stop religions wo...3 624
2. Flag for Germany Hilden-Itter3 622
3. Flag for Slovakia petox3 380
4. Flag for Germany roberdy3 335
5. Flag for Austria H.i.n.t.i.3 312
6. Flag for Germany inDUS3 239
7. Flag for Austria Moise3 085
8. Flag for Italy AngeloSalento3 004
9. Flag for Austria pluheaVen2 700
10. Flag for Italy araneus2 273